What are the 3 most common GAA injuries?

Research and experience have shown us that the most commonly injured areas in Gaelic Football are the Ankle, Hamstring and Knee. We take a look in detail at each injury and share our professional experience of our team of physios from PMC Physiotherapy Dunboyne clinic.

1. Ankle Injury

One of the most common GAA related injuries our team of physiotherapists see in the Dunboyne clinic is an Ankle Ligament tear. There are many ligaments holding the ankle stable. The most commonly affected one is the Anterior Talo Fibular Ligament (ATFL). ATFL injuries happen when the foot twists, rolls or turns inwards beyond its normal range of motion. Sometimes the foot may land awkwardly where the ground is uneven or if an unusual amount of force is applied to the ankle joint. Common symptoms can include: Inability to bear weight on the affected ankle, pain, swelling and inflammation.

2. Hamstring Injury

Hamstrings are commonly injured either when the athlete is running at full pace or just as they take off at full speed and try to accelerate. This can place excess stress on the hamstrings (there are 3 –Semimembranosis, Semitendinosis and Biceps Femoris). Pain is often very sudden and players describe a tearing feeling. Symptoms will include pain on stretch, an inability to stride out while walking and sometimes there is bruising. Visit us here in Dunboyne to grade the extent of the tear and set you a rehab plan.

3. Knee Injury

Here in Dunboyne, our Physiotherapists see knee injuries every day of the week. Knee injuries are generally caused by an unusual twisting force applied to the knee, a direct blow from a clash of bodies or the result of an awkward fall to the ground. The main signs and symptoms of knee injury are knee pain and swelling, locking or buckling of the knee and an inability to fully weight bear. Knee injuries are common in many field sports sports that involve sudden changes in direction.

How can we help at PMC Physiotherapy Dunboyne?

One of our expert physiotherapists will carry out a thorough examination of your injury. We will give you a specific diagnosis of the structures that are injured, grade the injury, give you a timescale for return to play and set up a comprehensive treatment plan to get you back playing as quickly and as safely as possible. If you notice any pain or a niggling injury contact one of our physios at PMC Physiotherapy Dunboyne and get it checked out.


PMC Physiotherapy Clinic, Unit 36, Dunboyne Business Park, Dunboyne, Co Meath

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